Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Don't take the boat

What the previous pictures failed to mention...high-speed water foil 3 hour japan to korea boats equal eggs throwing up in the ship toilet. There's not much water in a ferry toilet either, more like an airplane than anything else. It gets smelly in there after a while. Surprisingly, dozing off next to the toilet without needing the toilet is the most enjoyable part of the trip. If only they had an outside deck on the ferry you could go to get some fresh air.

Despite insisting to both of our intrepid souvenir shopping travelers that South Korea would be just like Japan, this is in fact not true. South Korea is different than Japan and even though our American maps change the proper size of countries, Asian nations are not quite as close as they are sometimes shown. Both are incredibly populated, Japan has 120million people in the area of Texas with half of it occupied by mountains, but the similarities are not so much after that. Listing all the similarities and differences noticed so far would be boring, (haha on ana & mike) the most striking however is the cleanliness of Tokyo to every other city I've ever been in. So I guess this isn't really a comparison of Southern South Korea and Japan, but Japan and The World.

It's real clean in Japan. They even sell little hand pouches to ash their cigarettes in and throw away the butts. So despite Japanese smoking way more than Americans, there was hardly a dead cigarette to be seen on the streets.

But I digress, and this post does not quite make much sense at 3:41am south korea time. Tomorrow/today is the beach and then more pictures since that is mainly the exciting part anyway. Yay Laura photojournalisming everything!!!(And see, already I have started many exclamation marks, perhaps I will begin taking photos at every turn as well)

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